Natural Born Media are accredited providers of the Spotlight personality profiling tool. The foundations for this system are built upon decades of experience in elite sport. It has been specifically designed with performance in mind ensuring participants to evaluate their strengths and grow their ability to flex into other states when preferable.
Natural Born Media directors and trainers have used a vast array of psychometric tools in the search of;
- Products and services that could help to plan and build great teams
- Better ways to clear collaborative sticking-points
- Objective ways to develop and adjust change management strategy.
Natural Born Media was founded on the idea that success is a function of ‘people’ and ‘process’. Our consulting and training experience has afforded us the ability to analyse processes and we are able to bring best practice and balance. People is a far more challenging aspect. We all know about the power of the Emotional Quotient (EQ) and the drive for soft skills but objectivity and practical application have previously been sorely lacking. In the past we knew there was an issue and this may have even been confirmed by psychometric systems but this did not support strategy or solutions.
Why is Spotlight Different?
The system has been developed by several academics in alliance with the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and The University of Sheffield (UK).
It is based on the science of psychology, along with decades worth of experience in elite sport.
The key turning point for Natural Born Media was the discovery that the Spotlight system could be used well beyond the boundaries of elite sport.
Analysis of individuals and teams who have achieved world-class status showed a strange phenomenon. We had assumed that people at the top if their game would have very similar personality profiles. This turned out to be only part of the story. Yes, they need to focus and the practical ability but their spotlight profiles are deeply varied. What the athletes had in common was their ability (through coaching) to ‘FLEX’ their behavioural style to improve their alignment and empathy with others. They were also able to ‘COPE’ with their own mindset and that of others also.
Spotlight allows us to establish where a person sits in terms of their mindset and behavioural style.
This is only the start of the process as our experience shows us that success usually requires the ability to call upon all the behavioural styles and mindsets (we can see this in teams that have consistent success).
We can then establish practical and realistic ways for the teams to learn to FLEX and COPE.
FLEX system
© Mindflick Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.
COPE system
© Mindflick Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.
So what happens?
Clients begin by completing the simple and intuitive online questionnaire – a quick, 15-minute process.
Natural Born Media as Licensed Spotlight Practitioners generates the in-depth Spotlight reports, along with corresponding team maps (when required).
The Team Process
For many organisations, this is the key success factor for using the tool as it shows. If the preference is to use the tool to support team development and their strengths as a unit then we recommend bringing the whole team together, or a group of individuals to experience our Spotlight workshop. This can be developed specifically for your team needs and can vary in depth and duration to fit your preferences.
If you are considering beginning or currently working through a change management process, then it is vital to ensure that the HR function and ideally project champions attend the workshop.
What happens during a Spotlight Workshop?
During the workshop, we start by exploring the models for individuals. Then we move onto increasing our understanding of individual and the team’s preferences.
A huge benefit of using the FLEX and COPE methodology is that it becomes possible to coach one another which helps to increase team empathy and strength as a unit. Everyone is then able to see the benefit of being able to flex between behavioural styles and understand when this movement is especially useful (i.e. if there is a sticking point during a project or interaction, is there another viewpoint or course of action that they could consider instead, to improve the outcome and decrease the risks.
Profile Debriefing
The Workshop provides a great foundation for the understanding of Spotlight profiles and their practicality. So, we recommend that each Spotlight profile is also individually ‘debriefed’. This is where the system provides a huge leap forward as individuals can see how the system applies to them, where their strengths are and help them formulate a step change improvement in their interaction with others. This, in turn, supports teams as they develop and thrive.
Natural Born Media would love to show you the power and accessibility of the Spotlight system for your organisation – if you’re interested in finding out more you can contact us here.